Nero – Me & You

Music Video

After the runaway success of ‘Innocence’, we were honoured to be given the opportunity to work on the video for Nero’s 2nd single from ‘Welcome Reality’.

Adhering to the Tron/Blade-Runner-esque concept of the album, a series of retro video games were tailored to feature Joe, Dan and Alana in full 8 bit glory. Each character was created pixel by pixel with what seemed like millions of individual sprites for all the movements and actions required.

The beat-em-up game was created in Flash and the sequences seen in the video are live captures of us playing through the levels, edited together with grading and some glitch effects. This was also eventually developed into a full multi level platform Facebook game to coincide with the single launch.

The car sequences are captures of an existing game with the Nero graphics, skyline, car etc. all added to create a sequence that links this video with the car sequences in the ‘Innocence’ video.